Custom Infinite loader

Custom Infinite loader

An "infinite loader" refers to a user interface element commonly used in web design to indicate that content is being loaded continuously, typically on a webpage where additional content is loaded dynamically as the user scrolls down. This is also known as "infinite scrolling."

The purpose of an infinite loader is to provide a seamless and uninterrupted browsing experience for users by loading new content automatically without requiring them to navigate to another page or click a "Load More" button. It is particularly popular on social media platforms, news websites, and other sites with a large volume of content.

The visual representation of an infinite loader can vary, but it often involves displaying a loading animation or icon that indicates the ongoing process of fetching and loading more data. Common examples include a spinning wheel, a pulsating circle, or other animated elements.

Here's a basic breakdown of how an infinite loader typically works:

  1. Initial Content Load:

    • When the user first visits the webpage, an initial set of content is loaded and displayed.
  2. Dynamic Loading:

    • As the user scrolls down the page, the website dynamically fetches additional content from the server.
  3. Infinite Loader Display:

    • While the new content is being retrieved, an infinite loader is displayed to signal to the user that more content is on its way.
  4. Seamless Transition:

    • Once the new content is fetched, it seamlessly appears on the page, usually just below the content that was initially loaded.

This approach provides a smooth and continuous experience for users, eliminating the need for manual interactions to load more content. However, it's important to implement it thoughtfully to ensure a good user experience, taking into consideration factors like performance, accessibility, and user expectations.

<div class="loader-outer">

<div class="loader-outer">

<div class="loader1"> </div>

Web developers commonly use JavaScript and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) techniques to implement infinite loaders, making dynamic requests to the server and updating the page's content without requiring a full page reload.

@keyframes spin {
    from { rotate: 0deg;}
    to { rotate: 360deg;}
.loader1 {
    height: 200px;
    width: 200px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    border: 15px solid #dae1e7;
    border-top: 19px solid #a6e4e7;
    animation : spin 2s steps(40) 0s infinite ;